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Functional Capacity Assessment for NDIS Support

A Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA) is carried out by a professionally trained occupational therapist to analyse one’s abilities in carryingout their daily activities. FCAs are used to help the NDIS ensure participants receive the rightamong of support and funding to achieve their goals.
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Elite Occupational Therapy provides:

  • Functional Capacity Assessments
  • Supported Disability Accommodation Assessments (SDA)
  • Supported Independent Living Assessments (SIL)

    The clinician will seek to identify what level of assistancemay be required for participation in daily activities.  This componentwill also include a more hands-on Functional Review of various daily activities. 

    A Functional Capacity Evaluation or Assessment canassist with ensuring participants have the right level of support and NDIS funding to achieve their goals and needs, so the participant can get more out of life today. 

    If you have more questions, please make sure to give our team acall on 1300 857 332 or email us at

    A member of our administrative team will be more than happy tohelp; for clinical/complex enquiries we will arrange for the occupationaltherapist to contact you directly..